Faith Like Esther

April 30, 2017 Speaker: Ted Detiveaux Series: For Such a Time as This

Topic: Faith Scripture: Esther 5:1– :8

Faith Like Esther

Esther 5:1-8 (ESV)
1 On the third day Esther put on her royal robes and stood in the inner court of the king's palace,

Faith Leads to Action

She wasted no time, from the time when the words of Mordecai hit her ears to the time when she walks it out is a 3-day span. She calls a fast for the Jews living in Susa, for herself and her young women that were surrounding her.
We can learn a valuable lesson from Esther. Before making a big decision, fast, pray, and surround yourself with other believers that will fast and pray with you.
Before my wife and I were engaged, we fasted and prayed for 3 days, and our parents fasted and prayed as well. We wanted to make sure we were making the right decision.
Esther did so as well. She was a woman who valued Godly wisdom.
She knew she would need God’s favor so that the king would let her in to his throne room.
Esther not only fasted and prayed, but she acted.
She put on her royal robes, and she stood in the inner court.
James 2:17 So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.
A lesson to us is that our prayer should be accompanied by actions. If you are praying that God will heal you from sugar diabetes then don’t think that you could indulge in blue bell ice cream and coco-cola and everything else that is bad for you, and expect to be healed. You will have to change your diet and exercise! (your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit)
Or if you are in debt to your eyeballs, don’t think that God will magically wipe away your debt as you continue to be foolish with your money. He will not do that! You will have to steward your money wisely and make better financial decisions.
Mordecai and the Jews were depending on Esther not only to fast and pray but to act on their behalf. They needed someone to be a mediator for them to the King.
However, this action came with a great risk.
Faith Takes Risks
As we read last week, no one could just come in to the throne room without first being summoned by the King.
Look back at chapter 4:11
11 “All the king's servants and the people of the king's provinces know that if any man or woman goes to the king inside the inner court without being called, there is but one law—to be put to death, except the one to whom the king holds out the golden scepter so that he may live. But as for me, I have not been called to come in to the king these thirty days.”

Risk occurs because we do not know how things will turn out. When I jumped out of a plane at 14,000 ft above sea level I was taking a risk. Even though I was about 80% sure the parachute would open, I did not know for sure. I had to sign an agreement
We take risks all the time, when we drive on Louisiana highways, when we go to fast food restaurants, when we go to a saints or pelicans game or any other crowded area.
On a more serious note, there are some risk that are needing to be taken. Maybe God is calling you to share your testimony with someone at work, or to tell your family about Jesus. Maybe God is calling you to go on a mission trip, start a bible study, or join a D-group.
These are risky because we do not know the outcome. Maybe people will laugh at us or choose to not listen. Maybe the plane will crash while on the way to the mission field. Maybe people will look at you differently if you expose yourself in a D-group.
These are all risks because we do not know how things will turn out. Every direction we turn there are unknowns and things beyond our control.
The good news is that God can take no risks. Everything that He speaks to us, He already knows the outcome even before it even happens.
While we may not be able to see tomorrow or five years from now, God does!
The real question that we should ask ourselves:
 What will happen if I don’t take this “For Such a time as this moment.”
First, we will find ourselves walking in disobedience to what God has called us to.
Secondly, others may suffer for our lack of willingness.
Thirdly, God will use someone else.
Esther realized that this was bigger than her and that if she failed to act, many of her people would lose their lives.
Esther says at the end of chapter 4 If I perish, I perish. What does that mean? It means that Esther did not know what the outcome of her actions would be. She had no special revelation from God on this issue.
But Esther was willing to put her life on the line for a greater cause.
It is always worth taking a risk when something great may be achieved for the cause of God and for the good of others.
In this case, there was something great needing to be achieved and that was the deliverance of the Jews from the hand of Haman.
1 On the third day Esther put on her royal robes (to please her husband, remember this is what he wanted Queen Vashti to do) and stood in the inner court of the king's palace, (in the place of hope and fear) in front of the king's quarters, while the king was sitting on his royal throne inside the throne room opposite the entrance to the palace. 2 And when the king saw Queen Esther standing in the court, she won favor in his sight, and he held out to Esther the golden scepter that was in his hand. Then Esther approached and touched the tip of the scepter. 3 And the king said to her, “What is it, Queen Esther? What is your request? It shall be given you, even to the half of my kingdom.”

She was the opposite of queen Vashti. Queen Vashti refused to come at the king’s command, and here is Esther coming to the King without being commanded.
Her fears of being destroyed, suddenly disappeared and now she is standing in the throne room of the king, and she has won his favor.

Faith Finds Favor

“What is your request,” the King asked. The king was willing to give Esther up to one half of his kingdom.
How was it possible to have that kind of favor, when the law said that Esther should have been put to death. She not only escapes death but is offered great riches. The only answer I can give it was the Grace of God!
 How many of you would like to have both the favor of God and man on your side?
Having the favor of God is knowing that He is with us and that nothing can happen to us apart from His good purpose.
 How do we obtain this favor?

2 Chronicles 16:9 NKJV
9 For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him.

I believe the Lord’s eyes gazed upon Esther and seen a woman whose heart was loyal toward Him therefore He gave her strong support that day in the presence of the king.

4 And Esther said, “If it please the king, let the king and Haman come today to a feast that I have prepared for the king.”5 Then the king said, “Bring Haman quickly, so that we may do as Esther has asked.” So, the king and Haman came to the feast that Esther had prepared. 6 And as they were drinking wine after the feast, the king said to Esther, “What is your wish? It shall be granted you. And what is your request? Even to the half of my kingdom, it shall be fulfilled.” 7 Then Esther answered, “My wish and my request is: 8 If I have found favor in the sight of the king, and if it please the king to grant my wish and fulfill my request, let the king and Haman come to the feast that I will prepare for them, and tomorrow I will do as the king has said.”

Haman leaves the feast feeling big headed, The queen had asked only the king and Haman to attend this feast that she had prepared. Little did he know that he was being setup.
Queen Esther had acted so wisely in dealing with Haman. Queen Esther could have made her request right when the king had offered up to half of the kingdom and Haman would have been killed right then and there. But she patiently waited.
Faith in God produces wisdom in dealing with man.

Faith Produces Wisdom

You see as she waited the plot thickens and Haman’s heart gets exposed for what it really is. He goes home after the feast and begins to brag to his wife the favor that he had obtained from Queen Esther.
On the way home Mordecai refused to acknowledge Haman or bow down to him so this made Haman even more furious.

13 Yet all this is worth nothing to me, so long as I see Mordecai the Jew sitting at the king's gate.”

Haman was so furious that he orders gallows to be made to hang Mordecai. His evil plan is exposed so that all could see who he really was.
When dealing with people who have wronged you, it is beneficial to deal with them as Esther dealt with Haman. Be patient, pray, seek Godly wisdom and know that God will have justice. The evil of their heart will soon be exposed and all will know and recognize that you have walked in integrity.
I speak this from experience.Today you too, can have faith like Esther.

• Faith Leads to Action
• Faith Takes Risks
• Faith Finds Favor
• Faith Produces Wisdom
(Risk Illustration)

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