Things that are not as though they were
May 5, 2019 Speaker: Tara Detiveaux Series: Examine Your Face
Topic: Declaring God's Word Scripture: Romans 4:13– :25
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Examine Your Face
Things That Are Not as Though They Were
Before we get started today, this is not what this sermon is…
Blab it and Grab it (in fact the Lord would say you have to be in right standing)
Get More Money Quicker (you have to be wise stewards, tithings, generous, stewarding)
Instant Success (this happens for no one, not even those who speak powerful words)
Fame or Fortune (God is interested in His fame and fortune)
Instant Healing (if He chooses to heal it is for His glory)
But there is a power in our words and last week Pastor Ted taught that good hearts produce good words and it is true. We are to speak life and not death. We are to use our words to edify, and encourage, and empower people toward the Kingdom of God.
Today we take it a step further and look at the power or our words
The power of confession
The power of things that are not as though they were.
We did not get the privilege of naming out children, they came with names
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