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I am the Door

We continue in our series of "I am Jesus" with another statement that Jesus made about himself. As you read through the book of John, you will encounter 7 (completion, perfection) different conversations in which Jesus makes very specific, far reaching, outrageous statements about himself. Jesus does not just claim to know these things, or explain these things. He blata...

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Stop Talking Trash

Every had something smell really bad in your house but couldn't figure out where it was coming from? Today we might know the culprit. Our tongues. James 3 says it can build or destroy and it definitely can be a little bit TRASHY. Today we encourage you to take out the trash in your speech and live in purity with things that you speak....

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It Was Me

So many times we are tempted to use the phrase "it wasn't me," even when we know full well that it was. Ever been there? Caught red handed but still denying. Most people have been in that situation at least once in their lives. And since the beginning of time we have been bust covering up our sin. Today we encourage you to be honest. Admit your faults and allow God t...

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Get Busy

Practical. So many times we like to be spiritual or emotional or the like. But a lot of what Jesus teaches is just practical. In the next couple of weeks we will be getting practical insights for life from God's word. Working hard and accomplishing all that God has for us is so important. So "Get Busy" and watch what God accomplishes in and through you....

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Expect the Unexpected

Has something unexpected ever happened to you? Perhaps a special blessing or a bonus at work. Maybe the blessing of another child or just a really good day in the midst of some bad ones. Zechariah and Elizabeth were at the same place in their lives, barren and overcome by circumstances that they just couldn't seem to shake off. But God came through in an unexpected way...

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Don't Hate the Wait Be Patient

We are excited about our new series “A Christmas Story” and the learning of the real reason for the season. Today we learn the story of Anna and Simeon, people that both waited on the promised Messiah. Both of them waited for years and yet never lost patience. Wow. What about you? Are you patient in waiting? We encourage you today “Don’t Hate the Wait, Be Pat...

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Don't Act a Fool Use Wisdom

We are excited about "A Christmas Story" and the learning of the wise men as they give girts to our Savior. Many people long to be wise, but not many want to take the steps to get there. The journey is long and few make it. But wisdom is to be desired and as we draw close to Jesus, the bible promises that we will become more and more wise. Today we encourage you, don't...

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May We Never Lose Our Wonder

Our Grow series has been exciting as we have learned that we are Gifted and Removed the Foxes and moved our of our comfort zones into Outreach. Today we learn of WONDER. Wonder is like miracle grow for our souls. It keeps us hungry. It keeps us coming back for more. The problem is that often times we move away from wonder into the mundane. Today we pray that the God ...

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Reach Out and Touch Someone

Our GROW series has been exciting as we have learned that we are Gifted and Removed the Foxes. One of the most important ways that a church can grow is OUTREACH Notice that the church in the books of Acts went from 12 to 120 to believers being added every day. Growth comes from outreach, a boldness to tell others about the good news of Jesus Christ. Today would you com...

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Remove the Foxes

In order to grow, sometimes we have to remove. There are things, relationships, and situations that steal from the growth that God intended both in our lives and in the lives of the church. We encourage you to remove those things from your lives so that we can grow into the mature Christians and Church that Christ has called us to be....

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